Primrose is an innovative social and support group for seniors and specialising in Dementia care for all those living with Dementia in the community.Primrose aims to avoid the difficulties and problems faced, when caring for their relatives, so that all can continue to enjoy a home life amongst family.
If you are a full-time caregiver, Primrose can provide a much needed break. While the person with Dementia is at Primrose, you’ll have time to rest, run errands or finish other tasks. If you find yourself feeling guilty, ask yourself this, “If I wear myself out to the point of total exhaustion, what good will I be to the person with dementia?”
If you are a caregiver that works during the day, Primrose can be very helpful as you try to balance a job with caregiving duties. Hours of service vary at Primrose and can be individually tailored to suit caregiver needs.
For people with Dementia, Primrose provides a chance to be social and to participate in staffed activities such as music and exercise programs. Keep in mind that the person with dementia will need time to adjust to the experience of going to Primrose. Some people may resist going at first, but they often look forward to the visit after several weeks of attending, meeting people and joining in activities.